Fields of Everywhen

Fields of Everywhen is a community engagement project led by Jono Retallick and Neil Musson in Thamesmead :

We are creating an artwork which evolves in collaboration with the Thamesmead community over a two year period during which time it is regularly exhibited in several different locations.

At the end of the two years the work will be ‘complete’ and remain as a time capsule of cultural life in Thamesmead for future generations. The artwork consists of two parts, stories converted into embroidery and a sculptural hot air balloon displaying those embroideries. Both elements have a legacy which remains long after the 2 year project. 

The artwork uses textile drawings to tell the stories of local people; rather like the Bayeux Tapestry records a period of time pictorially. The balloon is a celebration of social and cultural interaction and recognises local people who define the identity of their community; it floats above, and mirrors, the social landscape and acknowledges the  global roots of the people of Thamesmead.  

I act as event manager and community facilitator encouraging the Thamesmead community to get involved in the project through online creative tutorials, textile and storytelling workshops.

Find more about the project on the : and @fieldsofeverywhen


UNPUZZLED with Gallery No.32


I Hear Your Voice Resonating In Mine